Penny Stocks Prophet
Penny Stocks Prophet, Review
Investing Advice
Date published: 11/09/2017
4 / 5 stars

April 2, 2010

Penny Stocks Prophet, Review

What is the Penny Stocks Prophet?

It is very simple. The Penny Stocks Prophet is a weekly newsletter, with tips for buying and selling penny stocks, and profit with this trades in the stock market.

Now you may be asking, what is behind it, how does it work, and more important, will you earn money with it?

Let´s answer this questions, and explain you how you can test it for free.

Behind this weekly newsletter, is James Connely, an ex MIT student, with a major in Mathematics, that aplied his brilliant mind, during several years, for discovering winning patterns in the stock market. Connelly was convinced that winning stocks must have statistical similarities, and felt certain he could discover the events that cause them, in order to identify breakout stocks before they happen. Connelly developed a working unique strategy that when applied, could predict solid gains in the market 24 to 48 hours… BEFORE they happened!

Does it work every time? No, but what is important is the average return, wich is 45%. This means, that in average you will have a 45% return, of the money invested in every trade. If you do not invest all your available money, in a single trade, and be prudent, in the end you will profit.

Do you have to be an expert in the stock market to earn money, with this penny stocks prophet newsletter?
The answer is no. The instructions are extremely simple. They say, buy this at x price, and sell at y price, and you can see an example below:

Penny Stock Prophet example

Penny Stock Prophet example

Pretty simple, right?

Perhaps the best thing about this, is that anyone can dominate the day trade market so long as they follow the recommended investments closely and accordingly. With today’s bearish market, there has never been a better time to use an effective penny stock picker with so many stocks ripe for turnaround picking.

Now comes the best part, how you can try for free, and completely risk free?

Since the penny stock prophet is sold through clickbank, has a 60 day money back guarantee. You can ask for your money back, at any time during this period, and nobody will ask you questions. All you have to do is keep the receipt, wich will be sent for your email, just after the purchase.

Open a practice account. This is a simulation account, where you will not be using real money. Follow the newsletter tips, use your simulation account, and check you winnings, until you feel comfortable, to start using your real money.
